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Month: May, 2013

How Long is this Fic Really?: A Guide


Word count in the HP Series: 

Sorcerer’s Stones: 76,944 
Chamber of Secrets: 85,141
Prisoner of Azkaban: 107,253 
Goblet of Fire: 190,637
Order of the Phoenix: 257,045
Half-Blood Prince: 168,923
Deathly Hallows: 198,227

Sir and Lady Knight are titles granted to individuals by the crown and aren’t passed on. Alanna prefers “Sir” because she was making a point. Kel prefers “Lady Knight” because she’s making a different point. Jon just throws up his hands and tells the Master of Ceremonies to ask the ladies for their preference.

Tamora Pierce

i will never get tired of images of jon giving in to the ladies

(via htsoldierette)

cookieswafting: Some pretty amazing photos of Zachary Quinto in HQ | #HQuinto 030 | facesfit.com


Kickstarter to buy the person who develops Xkit a drink and possibly a hug


This is the perfect opportunity for a Carl Sagan quote:

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

More details on this lovely little film here.

boldlywego: Cassini catches Venus sparkling through the rings of Saturn