end ?

Month: May, 2013

livesandliesofwizards: To the Muggles, the area surrounding the palace of Beauxbatons housed only a sprawling monastery and convent. It was nothing of note, a place largely disregarded, though now and then a nobleman wishing to send his Muggle daughter there would be gently rebuffed and pointed elsewhere; this branch of this particular order, it seemed, […]

i just saw a cat out the window so i literally ran down the hall, flung myself into J’s pile of unpacked stuff, climbed over a printer, threw myself out the window, and hung off the fire escape to see if i could see it again

anonemouse: vintar: blurds: fairy-wren: Superb Fairy Wren Male in Eclipse Plumage. Photo by Christina Port You know, the swingy flappy deal The swingy flappy mailbox flag dealie mail’s here, is what I’m trying to say yo if you like good bird posts and also good non-bird posts then blurds is a good person to follow […]

There are a few things I will miss,
a girl with no shirt on
lighting a cigarette

and brushing her hair in the mirror;
the sound of a mailbox
opening, somewhere,

and closing at two in the morning
of the first snow,
and the words for them.

Franz Wright, “Homage” (via acutes)